Emanuele Frontoni, PhD
Dr. Emanuele Frontoni
With over twenty years of experience within the industry Dr. Emanuele works within the R&D department at Grottini Lab, located in Porto Recanati Itlay. He is also an associate professor at the Universita Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona, Italy. Emanuele Frontoni joined the Dept. of Information Engineering (DII) at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, as a Ph.D. student in "Intelligent Artificial Systems". He obtained his PhD in 2006 discussing a thesis on Vision Based Robotics. He is currently an Associate Professor of Computer Science in the same department. His research focuses on applying artificial intelligence and computer vision techniques to mobile robots, intelligent retail environments, "senseable" spaces, digital cultural heritage and precision farming. He is a member of IEEE, MESA, GIRPR and AI*IA.
- HDOMO 2.0 Human Based Domotics
- HDOMO 2.0 Human Based Domotics
- Shelf Detector 2014
- Progettazione smart sensor HDOMO 2.0
- Collaboratore esterno Grottini Lab
- Unilever Interactive Vending Machine
- Robust and affordable retail customer profiling by vision and radio beacon sensor fusion
- Information management for intelligent retail environment: the Shelf Detector system
- Customers’ activity recognition in intelligent retail environments
- Smart vision system for shelf analysis in intelligent retail environments
- Embedded Vision in Intelligent Retail Environments
- A simulation framework for coalition formation of unmanned aerial vehicles
- A simulation framework for coalition formation of unmanned aerial vehicles
- A Visual Global Positioning System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Used in Photogrammetric Applications
- Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter for Indoor/Outdoor Localization using a 802.15.4a Wireless Network
- Coalition Formation for Unmanned Quadrotors
- Embedded Multisensor System for Safe Point-to-Point Navigation of Impaired Users